Enable my.tokens in Email Scripts


Enable my.tokens in Email Scripts

Hi there,

it would be helpful if we could use my.tokens within Email Scripts. At the moment we can only use tokens from leads, opptys and custom objects.

Not applicable
Seems like a good idea- just curious, but what would are you trying to do now that you couldn't without this?
Level 2
I have an example. I have a weekly webinar that I want to tokenize entirely so that I can have my support team clone the program and replace the tokens and not have to go into any of the assets beyond that. Additionally this is a global webinar and I want the time zone to change depending on the user's time zone (which we take from browser use from all users).

Depending on if the webinar is in the US or in Australia it will take place on a different day (Wednesday 4PM Pacific is Thursday 9AM in some parts of Australia). I want to be able to say if the user is in a certain set of time zones, show one custom token, if they're in another, show a different custom token (dates). I would need to be able to put a custom token in an email script token to do this. 

In the meantime I'll have to find a work around.
Not applicable
I see, thank you Kassia. As a workaround, you might try declaring the variables at the top of your scripts and let people put things in there. I can see how that'd be dangerous though.
Level 2
Yeah, that's how I set it up and with comments. I'll just have to create a thorough process document when I pass on the ownership of the webinars.
Level 10

The best workaround I have found for this is:

  • Create a lead field.
  • Use a "change data value" flow step to copy the my.token value to the field
  • then in the script, use this lead field value as you wish


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