Email invalid - automation

Email invalid - automation


It would be wonderful if Marketo had automated rules set up to identify and label email addresses as invalid when they don't meet certain criteria (ie - there's no @ included in the data that's in the cell). 

Right now, you can create your own smart list to look for common errors in emails (ie - no @ symbol; ".cm" rather than ".com", etc) but I see no reason why this can't/shouldn't be an automated process that Marketo takes care of.

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We actually do this, depending on how the data flows in. For list imports in particular, we do this validation, but we could always do it in more places.
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Hi Erik, 

I just got off the phone with Marketo support, and we reviewed a handful of records that were invalid (they had no @ symbol), but they were not marked as Email Invalid. I was wondering why that was, and why it is that they were still being included in my campaigns. Marketo support explained that Marketo recognized those emails as invalid, so while they were being included in my campaigns, they were not actually being sent. However, none of those records had the Email Invalid box checked. I was told that was something I'd need to monitor on my own with a Smart List.

All of the leads in question came into Marketo through a list import.
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Really? That's weird, as we built this feature a little while ago. Are they newly imported leads? If they are old we might have missed them.

If you wanted to send me some details- your subscription, the lead in question, and the list they were imported into, I'll check it out. I'm at
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A few of them came in through an import I did in early July, but the others were from the Dec/Jan if that rolled out in the past two months, it sounds like it's already fixed...if not, maybe the rules could be tightened up a bit.

I deleted all of the leads on this before I posted the idea...but if it comes up again, I'll send them over to you!
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Dec/Jan wouldn't have had my new changes to this behavior, but July should have. Please let me know if it happens again- we did this just to cover your exact case!
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Ok - I sure will. Thanks Erik!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it