Editor 2.0: Have more than one mktoContainer per email template

Editor 2.0: Have more than one mktoContainer per email template

Currently, per the doc, it is not possible to have more than one container in which we can insert modules.

This means that in a template with multiple modules, we cannot control in which area of the email a module can be inserted. This would lead to unexpected results such as a logo or hero zone at the bottom of the email.

It should be possible to set multiple containers per emails, so we can control which module goes in which area. In each container, we would define the modules that could be set. This would enable to guarantee a much better consistency of the template and reduce the risk of errors.


Level 10

This other idea is also needed ​ in order to offer a precise control on the final layout.


Not applicable

+1 on this, and I could see value in being able to assign modules to more than one container (probably via a meta tag declaration). If I want a spacer module or a coupon module, in more than one container, for example, I shouldn't need to code it twice (again, assuming multiple containers are in play). It borders on a snippet use-case, but I'd prefer keeping all the structural elements in one place.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas