Different CNAMEs for each Workspace


Different CNAMEs for each Workspace

My company is running different workspaces for our clients. But when I create Landing Pages within the individual workspaces, the top level domain/universal CNAME is rewards.product.com. For example: http://rewards.product.com/ClientBusinessName.

The lovely support team says this feature isnt available yet, let's get it added!
Not applicable
Funny, we're ruinning into that same issue this week
Level 10
To expand upon this: you can create an unlimited number of CNAME aliases, so you can definitely use http://rewards.clientbusinessname.com or whatever you want. However, the aliases are globally available in all Workspaces, they cannot be defaulted for a specific workspace. Each workspace will always show the default CNAME in the user interface, but that same page is available on all of the CNAME aliases that you've set up. 
Level 5
can you explain for a non webmaster type?
I am going to add a new cname for a new domain.
some details:
our current cname is marketing.enkata.com
i am adding marketing.uptick.com

are you saying then when i create a new landing page i will have a choice presented to choose which cname i want to use?

or are you saying that landing page will stay marketing.enkata.com/landingpage1  for example?

and the only way the new cname comes into is that if i tell someone url is marketing.uptick.com/landingpage1 it wil jsut redirect to above enkata one?

if this is the case how do i have my landing pages have the new uptick url?

we were hoping we could keep both and use both but if can only use one then we need to change to the new one.

i haven't found any articles to go into this detail- just how to create a second cname but not how i can use it.

Level 10
@Trish: you can add as many CNAMEs as you want and all your landing pages will be available on both CNAMEs. So marketing.enkata.com/landingpage1 will also be available as marketing.uptick.com/landingpage1. However in the Marketo UI you will only see marketing.enkata.com/landingpage1 . You will have to type in marketing.uptick.com/landingpage1 manually into the URL bar of your browser (or paste it into your email copy). 
Level 5
thanks Jep. i guess that means i need to get rid of marketing.enkata.com and replace with marketing.uptick.com and just create an alias for marketing.enkata.com so old pages don't break

Level 10
@Trish: yes, that works. Then your primary CNAME will be marketing.uptick.com (visible in the Marketo UI), but all pages are still available as marketing.enkata.com also. 
Level 5
thanks Jep. bummer though, i was hoping i would be able to set up [pages with either domain depending upon our needs.
i know the marketing.enkata.com/LP1 would redirect to marketing.uptick.com/LP1 but was hoping i could actually create a marketing.enkata.com/LP1 that would be visible to visitors when they come to page.

one last question- i assume when i change to marketing.uptick.com my old landing pages will still have old URLs and that is why i need to set up the alias for marketing.enkata.com so they don't break

but for old pages i want to be the new domain is there a way to globally change those or do i need to rebuild them all after i change my master domain?
Level 10
I don't think you understand correctly how it works yet: if you have 2 domains, all pages will always be available on both URLs. There is no master domain as such. It just happens to be that only 1 domain (the 'real' CNAME) is visible in the UI. 
Level 5
In use there is  basically a master domain according to marketo support and the marketo admin page where you set up landing pages- the real CNAME that shows in UI. you create your domain and then you create a secondary domain for redirect purposes. only one is in the main admin area and is the default when you create a new landing page.

i know both urls will work- the issue is what visitors see in their browsers.

i heard back from support and they advise I delete marketing.enkata.com and then make our master one marketing.uptick.com and then create a subdomain for marketing.enkata.com just so the old pages don't break (basically redirects). this way new pages will default to uptick.com in URL

what i wanted was to be able to create landing pages that were EITHER marketing.enkata.com OR marketing.uptick.com depending upon which product line the page goes with. And i wanted some old pages to update to uptick.com not just still work as enkata.com.  basically i was hoping that i could control better which domain shows in the browser when a landing apge is

 i haven't changed our "main" domain to uptick yet but added uptick as another domain. when i tested by creating a new landing page the URL domain was non editable. the www.marketing.enkata.com was "hard coded" and i could only change what comes after the /

i was unable to change the marketing.enkata.com to marketing.uptick.com

so even if i give someone a marketing.uptick.com URL when they hit the page it shows www.marketing.enkata.com in the browser

if this is not what i should be seeing then i have a different issue and something is broken:)
Level 10
@Trish: yes, you can control what URL people are seeing, if you add an Alias in Admin > Landing Pages, it will NOT change the URL. so if you give marketing.uptick.com to someone, that's what they'll see in the URL. Just make sure you don't type in just marketing.uptick.com (that redirects to the fallback page), type in a valid page URL in the format marketing.uptick.com/page.html.