Default {{my.tokens}} containing program information


Default {{my.tokens}} containing program information

We sometimes want to use the Program channel as a token (for instance to populate a field that syncs with CRM to inform). Similarly, we may make use of program type or program creation date, .etc. to populate email alerts.

We can of course create tokens for this, but it is error prone and time consuming.

it would be helpful if basic program information were available as pre-set program tokens :

  • Name
  • Description
  • ID
  • Type
  • Event Date as defined in the Calendar
  • Channel
  • Creation date
  • Number of members (Dynamically updated)
  • Number of successes (Dynamically updated)
  • Program ID (Thx Dan Stevens​)
  • All program tags (Thx Dan Stevens​)
  • Number of leads for each member status, one token per status (dynamically updated)
  • ...


[Edit 02 21, 2017]: strikethrough the ones that are now available.

These tokens should also be available as webhook payload.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

additiomal program attributes::

- program ID ( so that we can include a link in an alert directly to the program in Marketo). We do this a lot with our events teams - specifically for those events that require approval.

- all program tags​

BTW, here's what I mean by "program tags":


Level 10

I like this!  We already have these types of tokens for campaigns, and I can definitely see how they would be useful for programs.  +1

Tokens Glossary - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

Marketo Employee

I'd like to propose an amendment to this.

In addition to Program Name and Description, I would like an additional token, something along the lines of a human readable name.

We code our programs in a very specific way: GA-16-05-HIT-RAD-AssetName  This is GA = Gated Asset, 16-05: 2016-05, HIT-RAD: Healthcare IT - Radiology and then the asset name. This convention works nice for many reasons, most of which involve not having program's like "Robb's Brochure" or "October Campaign" of "Email to groups"

This code is, however, not very human friendly.

Now, I use my Description field to put in instructions on how to use the campaign, such as if you want to link to it from another ad, use these parameters.  I would like a human readable version of the program name that Sales would understand, such as "RAD: BrochureName v1" or some such thing. This is what I want to pass over to SFDC.

Everything else I agree with. It seems silly that I enter in the information to create the program and then have to enter it again as tokens to use the info to populate fields.

Level 10

Hi Robb,

These are very good points. You may like this one as well:


Level 10

And also event date and time:


Level 10

And also, number of leads for each status (dynamically updated)

This would enable to somewhat manage a max number of registrants. When someone registers, I copy the number of registrants to a lead custom field with a change data value, then, on next flow step, I can test the value of that lead field in choices and react if it has reached the max number (such as sending a specific alert or a specific email to the lead).


Level 10

Finally, we will get the first ones

Release Notes: Summer '16 - Marketo Docs - Product Docs


Level 10

It would also be interesting if these tokens are made available for webhook payload.


Marketo Employee

Couldn't you just populate a temporary field with the payload then call the webhook with {{lead.Temporary Payload Field}} appended to it as a workaround?

Level 10

Hi Robb,

Yes that works if and only if the info is available in a program token. But it also drives to the creation of unnecessary fields.
