Cloning to Sub-Folders

Cloning to Sub-Folders

Hi Community--

I thought I read somewhere (maybe in a release) that Marketo came out with the ability to clone assets into sub-folders. I just tried and it's not working--the interface makes it look like I can but I'm ultimately still only able to clone into the Design Studio or a Program under Marketing Activities.


Not applicable
Agreed, having the same issue here. This can get a bit frustrating if you use a ton of folders. 
Level 10
I thought I was the only one. I didn't see it either and I tried it yesterday.  
Not applicable
The clone to subfolder feature is for Design Studio at this time.  You may have noticed that we upgraded the windows to the new design, and this allowed us to add cloning to subfolders.  When we upgrade the Marketing Activities UI, you will gain this ability.  
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas