The changes to reports are not great for everyone. I would like to request that both options become available. Specifically, I am having problems with the Email Performance Report.
Previously, I was able to see my numbers multiple if an email was sent multiple times. Also, in the Campain's "Email" tab, I was able to see how many Sent/Delivered/Open/Clicks/Unsubscribes broken out by each time I sent the email. In the email performance report, I could change the Setup to a specific set of dates if I needed to filter out any resends so I could see the statistics.
Now, in an effort to show "more accurate" numbers, these features are no longer available. Instead, the Email Performance Report only shows the person received an email once regardless of how many times it was resent. When I do my filter in the setup, it now only shows NEW people who were sent the email. I have to create 4 SEPARATE smart lists (one for Sent, Delivered, Opened, and Clicked) to get the same numbers I got previously by changing the setup in one report.
Please add in a checkbox or something to show "Unique Sends" verses "All Sends" so we can have a choice!!!
PS Epic fail for not announcing this change!!!!