Better sync with WebEx

Better sync with WebEx

WebEx provides fields for Company Name, Address, plus others.  We need this data imported from Marketo because of reporting on in-event surveys.  We also need to have data in WebEx update Marketo.  Some of our web seminar attendees sing up thriugh our web site via the WebEx registration page.  We need this info imported back into Marketo.

It would be great if we could match these fields like we do when importing a database.
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We also use WebEx. When people register directly in WebEx I do see their information pushed back to Marketo after the event if they attend. Their lead source is "Event Partner" and their acqusition program is the Webinar. However, they do not automatically sync to SFDC.

I would like to see deeper integration, though, so that all of the fields on our WebEx registration form could be mapped back to Marketo. Right now we only get First Name, Last Name, Company Name, and Email Address.
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I made a similar suggestion a while back regarding ON24.  

We'd like to use Marketo forms for registraion so we can take advantage of Progressive Profiling, so directing to On24 and back to Marketo is far less attractive. 
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Wnat fields does Marketo sync with in ON24?  Is it as limited as WebEx?  We are looking at ON24 as an alternitive to WebEx.
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Steve, you should be getting a commission from ON24 this week!
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I am also having a similar issue where we just realized that all of the fields in WebEx are not syncing to Marketo, specifically Country, Job Title and Phone number.  These are incredibly important for our data and syncing to   Is this something that will be fixed?  Has anyone found out how to work around it.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas