Being able to prevent new persons to be added to a program on form fillout

Being able to prevent new persons to be added to a program on form fillout

Currently, if a new person fills our a form on a Marketo LP and if this LP is in a program, this new person will be automatically added to the program containing the LP, with default (first) member status.

If the program happens to be synchonized to a SFDC campaign, then Marketo will attempt to push this new lead to the CRM immediately, denying all possibilities to ensure that proper data management and lead management campaigns be ran before the sync attempt. Most of the time, this sync attempt will fail and some smart campaign will correct this later on with a change member status, but if one cannot run such a flow steps (because the lead needs to remain in the 1st member status), the only solution is to remove the lead from the program and add it again. Not really clean...

So it would be better if we had the solution, when adding a form to an LP in a program, to have the choice to trigger or not the addition to the program on form fillout. This should be an admin setting applicable to the whole instance.


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