Avoid double triggers or give more control on Smartlists Schedule Settings to avoid race conditions


Avoid double triggers or give more control on Smartlists Schedule Settings to avoid race conditions

I've had many situations where an active triggered campaign using multiple triggers will push a given lead multiple times in a smarlist flow in parallel, causing race conditions in the execution of flows. I have tried using "Remove From Flow", Static Lists exclusions and other ways but they will not work in a consistent manner.

For example, If a lead gets updated from a list upload, undating 2 demographic fields that are both part of a smartlist trigger using "Data Value Changes", then the lead will be running in this campaign twice and the flow executes twice in parallel. Causing double scoring or other miscalculations. (Yes I too thought that this was not possible with Marketo, but it is).

Ideally only one trigger should execute and let the lead through.

Alternatively, I'd love to see a more granular control of the Smartlist Schedule Settings where we can set "Each lead can run through the flow once every minute or 30 seconds.  (Currently we only have months, weeks, days and hours available).

Not applicable


Instead of:

Run each lead through the campaign flow:

Once every x hours/days/weeks/months

I'd like to see at least something like:

Run each lead through the campaign flow:

x times per y minutes/hours/days/weeks/months

Level 2

I'd like a master controller where campaigns could be stacked in order, telling Marketo in what order to execute. I know you can kind of do this with Request Campaigns and daisy chaining. But what if we had a visual tool to take those and manage entire systems.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas