Audit trail on field value change

Audit trail on field value change

With the event of the GDPR, being able to audit and trace changes to some specific fields such as communication preferences, unsubscribed info, email address; etc... For the moment, accessing this info is very difficult. One need to first establish a list of the leads for which the value changed and then dig into the activity log of each of these leads to check for instance the IP address of the form fill out. Some information such as the Marketo user who made the change is even not accessible.

Of course, the REST API enables this, or at least most of it ( the username of a manual change is still not available)

But we need to be able to access this summarised info easily and without the need for a developer!

Not necessarily all fields would be needed there, so the list of fields to be accessible through this data change audit trail would be set by the admin in the first place.

And of course, this audit trail info needs to be easily exportable (as the audit trail already is).


Christina Fuentealba

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