An easy way to associate leads with an opportunity.

An easy way to associate leads with an opportunity.

I want to opt out leads from a company that is currently in an opportunity from receiving our mass email while they're going through the sales cycle. 
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You can create a trigger that is, 

Smart Campaign Added to Opportunity = Opportunity Stage is (not closed)
Flow = Change Data Value Marketing Suspended = True

and create another smart campaign that is

Smart Campaign= Opportunity Updated State = Closed
Flow = Change Data Value Marketing Suspended to False.

I think that could accomplish what you are looking for?

Let me know your thoughts,


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Hi Ryan,

That only effects the individual lead that is associated with the opportunity. If coca cola is an opportunity and a new lead from their company is created, I don't want them to receive our marketing emails. Is making the new leads associated with an opportunity something that needs to be done on the salesforce side?

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That makes sense; I would love this feature too!
And yes, adding new leads to opportunities happens on the salesforce side. You need to convert them to contacts and associate them with the opportunity.
We currently use this kind of strategy to keep our BDR's from calling leads at open opps.
The work around we use currently is to export the contacts that have opportunities
use excel to break off the domains, remove duplicates, add the @ back onto all of the domains.
And create a smart list that is email address contains, (the list just created)
I usually repeat this step every week.
then I have a campaign that runs nightly that checks a box that called "Open Opp Lead" if on that list
And another campaign that says if "open opp lead" = True and not member of the above smart list,
Change data value of open opp lead to false.
I defiantly see where you are coming from and would love an easier way as well. 
Not applicable
This would be a very helpful feature. I run a Salesforce opportunity report, collect all of the domains, and add/remove them from a segmentation that we use as a master suppression list. The downfall is that sometimes leads/contacts within a company have different versions of the domain, so I have to veryify that all versions of the domain are included/removed. It's a pretty manual process for having SalesForce and Marketo integrated. 
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Status changed to: Open Ideas