Allow more than one smart list in the "Member of Smart List" filter

Allow more than one smart list in the "Member of Smart List" filter

When adding the "Member of Smart List" filter to a smart campaign, we're only able to add a single smart list.  There's no option to include multiple lists/values like you can with every other filter/trigger - you have to add separate/additional "Member of Smart List" filters and apply the "use any filters".   Was this done intentionally?
Not applicable
While this may be convienent, it is very dangerous.

Referencing Smart Lists within other smart lists can cause very slow processing times. We recommend wherever possible to recreate and simplify the filters of other smart lists instead of using the "Member of Smart List" filter. Often, these Smart Lists become redundant and can be nested serveral layers deep.

Not applicable
Dan, seemed like this stopped being an issue so much when we started doing two things differently:

1. Creating segments and then pulling them into smart lists
2. using complex smart list logic on the tough ones...
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas