At present, there is limited ability to filter smart lists based on dates that are relative to today. Only the 'in past' and 'in time frame' filters allow this, but these do not allow the user to exclude relative time frames.
There should be three new drop-down options for filtering date fields. These would allow the user to select:
Not in past (bringing back everything that does not occur in the past x days/weeks/months)
Not in time frame (bringing back everything that does not occur this week/month/year)
Between relative dates (allowing the selection of two relative dates, eg from last ‘2 months' to last ‘1 month')
These options would allow date calculations to run Smart Lists for campaigns such as:
Select leads who have not filled in a survey in the past year
Select or exclude leads who have not been updated in the past 3 years
Exclude leads from pricing offers if their renewal date is this quarter
Schedule emails for specific milestones or anniversaries, eg month 3, month 6 and month 9 of a subscription (without requiring wait steps)