Add to Calendar- GOOGLE CALENDAR with Zoom Integration Functionality

Add to Calendar- GOOGLE CALENDAR with Zoom Integration Functionality

A lot of companies are using Google for their email and calendars in 2021 and it is critical that "Add to Calendar" functionality is added as an out of the box functionality for webinars.


If a "Add to Calendar" token can be created for Google that will include the {member.webinarURL} token it would be a huge step forward as I find it hard to believe that this doesn't exist today.

Level 1

Hi - I was going to suggest an idea and stumbled upon this. I also had this same issue for so long but there is a workaround documented in the community. I agree that this feature should be baked in with the zoom integration to make it much easier, but take a look here. You'll find that by using your companies zoom URL with a few tokens this can be created. For example, using https://{yourcompanyname}}{{my.webinar  id}}/ics?user_id={{member.registration code}} would generate the a zoom ics file with the users data. Just create a {{my.webinar id}} token with the webinar id. You can also add &type=google on the end of the string to create a zoom google calendar invite. 


Hope this helps while this feature is added!

Level 4

This site explains in detail what Jeremy is suggesting.