Add search feature inside analytics report

Add search feature inside analytics report


I'm currently looking at my landing page report in the Analytics Section. I'm looking for a specific landing page but I don't know when it was created and I don't remember its exact name. Would be cool if I could search "contain=xxx".

Cécile @ Talend
Not applicable

Hi Cécile,

This is possible with the Landing Page filters in the Setup tab of the Landing Page Performance report.



Level 10

Hi TJ,

Unless I mistaken, the filters are used to narrow down a report for mid-term / long-term use.

In the present case, I'm looking at a way to quickly find data on a specific landing page, while still keeping the overall view. Does that make sense?

Cécile @ Talend

Not applicable
Thanks for the clarification.  I like your idea of an inline search in the report.  In the meantime, you could use the web browser's Find functionality to search for the landing page while keeping the overall view.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it