Add date ranges and content custom filters to the getleadactivity api


Add date ranges and content custom filters to the getleadactivity api

Currently, when you extract the lead activities though the API, you have no choice: it's an all or nothing since the only parameter you can filter on is the activity type.

It would save a lot of time, network bandwidth, server resources and API daily quota if we could restrict the activities:

  • With date ranges (time would be event better)
  • with filters on fields that are relevant to the activity itself. For instance, on a data value change, I would love to be able to restrict on source or attribute, while on form fill outs, I would like to restrict on form name or ID.


Level 10

Dear PM,

If working on it, any ETA ?


Not applicable

We don't have an ETA on this feature yet, but when it does get a formal release date we shall let the community know accordingly.

Level 10

Thx Derek


Level 2

Any news? I see you've been rolling out other API improvements, is this coming soon?

Not applicable

Hi Drew,

Yes, we are in the process of designing some of these features at the moment.  We expect to release some of them over the course of the next half-year.


Level 5

When this happens it will be awesome!!   it is sorely needed and to be honest - very strange it doesn't exist already?  +1

Any update?

Level 1

Any update? Is this feature released? If so can you please share the link for its doc..


Community Manager
Status changed to: Under review