Ability to update a lead field with the Referrer URL and Query Parameter from web page visits and without a form fill

Ability to update a lead field with the Referrer URL and Query Parameter from web page visits and without a form fill

In the detail of every web page visit in a lead's Activity Log is the Referrer URL and Query Parameters associated with that visit including the 'gclid' parameter.  Please add the ability to capture these values into Marketo fields without a form submission.  I would think that the process would be similar to the way Marketo captures the referrer URL and other query parameters into the Original Referrer, Original Search Engine and Original Search Phrase fields on the first web page visit. These fields would be accessible to filters and triggers such as Recent Referrer URL, Recent Search Engine, Recent Search Phrase, Recent gclid, etc.  We could preserve select values by setting the value of other custom fields using the field token.

Currently when a lead visits our web pages from Google Adwords, we capture the 'gclid' parameter into a cookie value.  Then when the lead fills out a form, we write that value into a hidden form field and update a Marketo field.  This allows us to submit the gclid value back to Google after an offline conversion to attribute the conversion to a specific ad. However this method is dependent on our creating cookies to preserve these values and on the lead submitting a form.

Frequently we get Adwords visits without a subsequent form submission before an offline conversion, and we can't capture the gclid value to submit back to Google after an offline conversion. This capability would give us the ability to submit the gclid value back to Google after an offline conversion, so we can attribute the conversion to a specific ad.

Also, we have several query parameters that we append to our paid links so we can identify visits from those links during the initial visit, the visit when the lead first opts in, the visit before the lead converts (offline) and we'd like to be able to attribute all paid visits regardless of form submission.  This capability  would also give us the ability to preserve information about  the source of the last  visit (e.g. create an Interesting Moment, add as a campaign member, etc.) without having to rely on cookies that can only be read via hidden form fields if the lead submits.  This would also allow us to have better attribution history for anonymous leads prior to their first form submission and becoming known.

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