Messages and Private Discussions


Using messages and private discussions limits your audience to only the people you want. Messages and private discussions show up in the Inbox of only the people you send them to. Users must be mutually following one another to be able to send a private message. This is to eliminate spamming.

Note: While messages and private discussions are useful features, nearly all topics in your community can be useful to others, so keep things public whenever possible. 

Private discussions (remember, this is a content type!) can later be moved to a place if needed. Messages reside in the Inbox and cannot be moved.

To send a message:

  1. 1. When viewing your Inbox, click the Send Message button. Alternatively you can use Create > Message.  Tip:  when hovering over another users avatar or name and the avatar popup appears there will also be a Message button available if you are mutually following one another.
  2. 2. You can add additional people to your direct message by clicking on the Select People link and clicking the check boxes next to the names of the people you’d like to add.
  3. 3. Type your message in the Message field. You can upload a photo or @mention people in your community.
  4. 4. Click the Send button.

To start a private discussion:

  1. 1. Click Create > Discussion
  2. 2. Enter a title for your discussion in the field at the top.
  3. 3. Enter the title, body and tags for your discussion. 
  4. 4. Add participants to your discussion by clicking the Specific People radio button and choosing people you’d like to include.
  5. 5. Click the Post Message button to post your discussion.
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