Documents: Creating a New Collaborative Document

You can create new documents from scratch in the community.  These documents are called collaborative documents.  They are created, edited and live directly in the community.

To create a new collaborative document:

  1. Click Create > Document.
  2. Enter a title for your document in the field at the top
    1. Enter content into the content field. You can format your text however you’d like, or insert videos, images, hyperlinks, emoticons, and tables.
    2. Spell check your document or view your content in HTML by clicking the icons in the upper right corner of the content field.
  3. Optionally attach supporting files to your document by clicking the attach icon in the bottom right corner of the editor.
  4. Choose a place to post your document.  Documents can be posted in places, as personal documents open only to you or to a set of people and to the community.
  5. Add relevant tags to your document so it is easily searchable. You can choose from a list of popular tags or write your own.
  6. Should you want to control accessibility, click on Advanced Options.  If you choose to not modify any advanced options the defaults will be used.
    1. Restrict Authors - select if you wish to control the user(s) that can edit your document besides yourself.  Default:  all users with edit document rights can edit the document.
    2. Require Approval before Publication – this option allows you to choose user(s) to approve the document before it’s published.  Choosing multiple people requires all to approve before publish.  Default: no approval is needed.
    3. Restrict Comments – turns off the ability to comment on the document.  Default: any user with ability to contribute to documents can comment.
  7. You can either save your document as a draft and edit it later or choose to publish the document.
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