Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

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Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

My certification exam is scheduled for May 20th.

I did not anticipate the university to be shut down!! I can not even reschedule at this point because it is less than 72 hours away.  What do you suggest I do?

Can you provide the links to basics and beyond?

I was planning on a final walk through of the areas I still needed to review.


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Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

Brendon Ritz

Maria Shull

FYI. The Marketo University is now live @

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Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

I received a message last week saying the Learning tab should be available by Wednesday of this week. I've been waiting for it too...

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Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

Brendon Ritz​ and Maria Shull

We are aiming to get the new University site up by the end of the week. You can keep up - to - date on things here: University Update

Maria, I found three accounts for you on in our database. Can you pick which profile you want to be your primary account on the Community and add (Primary) next to your name. See my profile as an example.

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Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

Brendon Ritz

Maria Shull

FYI. The Marketo University is now live @

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Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

Thanks Scott!

I took my certification test yesterday and passed! However, I will be visiting the university because we can NEVER stop learning! ☺

Maria Shull

Marketing Automation Manager

Reach Marketing LLC

2 Blue Hill Plaza – Concourse

Pearl River, NY 10965-3113

Phone: 845.201.5349

Mobile: 609.571.5851

Alt: 609.448.2277

Level 5

Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

Thank you Scott K. Wilder! Definitely good to know the new link!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

You can take the practice exam then look at for what you missed.

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Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

Thank You,, I did this, and did well on the test, Feeling Good about


On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Josh Hill <>

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Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

Moving this thread to Community Help section.

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Re: Can i get into the University - My learning tab?? My test is scheduled for May 20th.. need to review

Awesome - thank you Scott K. Wilder​!