Adding a filter to a stream

Level 5

Adding a filter to a stream


When we email people we always add a filter of "not was sent email in past X days" to keep from spamming. we do not have this as a global rule for various reasons.

Anyway,  I have built a nurture stream with 9 emails over 9 weeks and wanted to add a filter so that a person won't get the next email in stream if they have gotten an an email from us in last X days and will get it when that time frame passes. We need this as other emails are happening as well (events, webinars, etc.)

Can you have this level of filtering in streams? It means recipient casts could get staggered so I assume I can't do this but wanted to ask. Even if I have at the Global level to only email people every X days I would assume they would just stall in the cast or just get the next one that casts versus just continuing in stream once eligible.


Message was edited by: Trish Voskovitch

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Re: Adding a filter to a stream

Hi Trish,

We've run into similar issues as well.

Engagement programs do not allow you to add some sort of program level filter, but you can use email programs within the engagement streams and use their smart list filters. The problem with using email programs, however, is that if the lead already received an email that week - the lead will still "count" as a cast. While an email won't send in the stream because you're using the "not was sent in past x days" in the smart campaign, the lead will essentially skip the email and move to the next email in the stream.