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And making Tags required upon program creation!
Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!
Adding to that, making sure ANYONE with a Marketo login knows the SOP for what to tag new programs... Especially in the case of channels, as those are hard to fix once a program has members!
Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!
Did you know you can create tokens at the folder level? This can be extremely useful for companies that have their Marketo environment setup with various child folders (and programs within) - such as this (the tokens are defined in the "Avanade Activities" folder):
Creating tokens at a parent/global level will make those tokens available in every program within that parent folder or sub-folders. A good use case is when using tokens in landing page templates - specifically for things like common page footers (links, disclaimers, social icons, etc.). For example, here are the tokens in our landing page template:
And here's how the landing pages render automatically within each program since we have tokens defined at the parent folder level:

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I use a workflow to standardize state names which then allow me to fill out lead profiles with other details like region and sales representative. The workflow is triggered whenever a new lead is created OR a state name is changed. Each step looks for all the common abbreviations and missspellings I could imagine for a specific state (ex. for Illinois: IL, ILL Illinoise). The final step in the workflow assigns leads whose state names don't fit to a static list that I review monthly.
Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!
We taught our folks to label the smart campaigns with a prefix of order in which they are to execute (i.e. 1-Email, 2-Confirmation, 3-Reminder) to help with teaching the methodology of accounting for each of your steps that they are trying to execute and to know that you had to have #2 turned on before doing #1.

Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!
I do the same - I find labelling 1, 2, 3 is a lot easier so you can picture the flow.

Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!
I number everything, but we hadn't been recording the "Progression" in such a way. Smart!
Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!
1. If you want Outlook to display a custom headline for your email in the preview text instead of the URL for your graphic banner, add a token {{my.EmailPreviewHeader}} above your banner and use small font.
2. Folder level tokens are great for keeping campaign banners consistent within a group of programs. You can also bake a dynamic token into your email and landing page templates and use these tokens (such as: {{ banner}}) consistently in all of your Marketing Activities folders.

Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!
I love tokens Chris! I never thought about adding a preview token. Very smart - thanks!

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My tip is for scheduling an email in a smart campaign, I only use the "Run Later" feature even if it's just 20 minutes from now. The reason being, I ALWAYS want to double check my smart campaign once scheduled, in case of that OH SH!T moment that we've all experienced. Many years of experience trial and error have led to this smart campaign for emails routine. Basically, sending emails is a big enough deal that there's always a reason to double check what you've scheduled