Re: Brief Summary : CCPA Compliance Requirements
As mentioned in Marketo Product Release Jan 2020, the following is a clear direction to support seem to overlap with data privacy steps as well.
LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms Additional Field Mapping: Capture as much data as possible about a lead from LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms to create more relevant experiences for both sales and marketing touchpoints. Pull in hidden fields, consent fields, and the test leads field into Marketo Engage.
ITP 2.1+ Munchkin Update: Due to changes to the cookie policy for Safari, Munchkin's ability to track users across sessions on the same domain will be limited by ITP to either 1 or 7 days based on the browser and browser version used by the visitor. To account for this, we are implementing a new web service to allow Munchkin cookies to be set with a Set-Cookie header via HTTP response. More information about how to implement this new service can be found here.
Here’s a list of some websites, trying to achieve CCPA compliance -