[Adobe SUMMIT 2023] Marketo Community Challenge 6 - Which Advocacy Program(s) are you Interested in?

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

Welcome to the thread for the Marketo Community Challenge at Adobe Summit.



This thread is for Community Challenge 6 - Which Advocacy Program(s) are you Interested in?

First, register an account on the Marketing Nation Community (for assistance, please speak to a representative at the Experience League Community booth). Then, let us know if you're interested in learning more or becoming a member of the Adobe Champion, Community Advisor, or User Group Leader programs by commenting below with the name of the program. 

For more information, click here.


Return to all Community Challenges


Complete 3 out of the 8 available Community Challenges to win an Experience League branded wireless charger (while supplies last)! Once you've completed any 3 challenges, show your Community profile (select the avatar on the top right of the community) to Experience League Community staff for your wireless charger! 


Thank you for participating - we hope you continue to have a wonderful time at Adobe SUMMIT 2023. 

Level 4 - Champion

I love the Adobe Champion program, I have met and learned so much from my fellow advocates and I am forever grateful for this program. 

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

I'm love the Marketo champion program!