Re: Identifying user via Dynamic Chat in browser cookied to different user

Level 2

Identifying user via Dynamic Chat in browser cookied to different user

Is there a way to use Dynamic Chat to identify the user by getting them to enter their email address in a dialogue?


This would be in a scenario where the browser has already been cookied as a different user.

Visitor is Tom marketo ID 101

Browser is cookied as Mary marketo ID 202

My concern is that asking them to enter their email address via 'info capture' will simply overwrite the stored email address of the already cookied user... i.e. instead of resetting the munchkin to match the new visitor, it will change user 202's email address to and then use the data on Mary's profile for the rest of the conversation e.g. Hi Mary!

Thanks, Tom

Level 7 - Community Advisor

Re: Identifying user via Dynamic Chat in browser cookied to different user

Can you explain why you exactly want to ask email id of already known person?

Level 2

Re: Identifying user via Dynamic Chat in browser cookied to different user


I have a Marketo landing page that needs to display some of the user's data when they click through from an email.

To achieve this, the landing page has a hidden form that is populating with 2 unique values from the user's Marketo record passed via a URL query string e.g. ?r=1978234&p=2349873. Upon successful submission of the form (which happens without the user's knowledge), the user's data displays on the landing page.

However, when the browser has been cookied to a different Marketo record, the data is not displaying, presumably due to a conflict between the cookied ID and the ids being passed by query string. Our developers have tried to make the page reset cookies upon load but to no avail.

While displaying no data at all is obviously a better outcome that displaying the wrong user's data, this is a problem when one user has multiple email addresses and therefore multiple Marketo records.

For example, they may be cookied as (id:100001) but we have sent the email to (id:200002) and I want the data from their hotmail profile to display.

So I want to give users a simple way to reset the cookie settings somehow if they land on the page and cannot see their data (other than asking everyone to enter their email address). I thought I could do this via dynamic chat dialogue.


Level 7 - Community Advisor

Re: Identifying user via Dynamic Chat in browser cookied to different user

Hi @tomh2 ,

Since you are using a Marketo LP i will suggest try making a LP Template & disable Munchkin Tracking on that LP & than use that template to create you LP.


Alternatively you can also read through this from Sanford

to clear cookies at the page load.