Dynamic Chat - Routing Existing Records to Current CRM Owner

Level 1

Dynamic Chat - Routing Existing Records to Current CRM Owner

I am facing an issue with Dynamic Chat.


I am attempting to assign Chat records to their current owner in Marketo/Salesforce, but there doesn't seem to be a way to have a realtime lookup of our database to determine if a person interacting with Dynamic Chat exists in our database before they decide to book a meeting.


This is causing issues because it is allowing the chat participant to book meetings with Reps who do not own the record, causing competing ownership of the record and who owns the demo.


Has anyone here solved for this problem?

The furthest I have progressed is to skip the meeting booking step by identifying if the person is cookied. Which defeats the purpose. Ideally we would allow the chat participant to ONLY book with their current CRM owner, cookied or not, and then round robin the chat demo if the email does not exist in our CRM.