Just launched our first daisy chain series of landing pages with a progressive form after a user completes the first page.
It all works except that I cannot figure out how - when a user has all data points completed (about 7 total) to not display the submit button. I've looked and googled everywhere and am sure it must be possible - anyone have a quick fix?
Questions should be in Products, not Champions. Champions refers to the Champs program itself.
Answer is
var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0],
interactiveFields = 'INPUT:not([type="submit"]):not([type="reset"]):not([type="hidden"]),SELECT,TEXTAREA';
formEl.querySelector(interactiveFields) || formEl.parentNode.removeChild(formEl);
Thanks Sanford, apologies for mis-post. Figures my first post would be in the wrong spot. I'm now digging for how to use that code bit.
Just wrap it in <script></script> tags. Make sure it loads anywhere after the main Forms lib (forms2.min.js), since it uses the Forms API.