Re: Run someone through a campaign a specific number of times?

Level 3

Run someone through a campaign a specific number of times?

I am trying to figure out (what is probably a very basic question).

We have a weekly recurring live demo for people who are in our free trial. I would like to send the invite email to this group of people 3 or 4 times but no more than that because I don't want to become annoying.

My initial thought was to set up one smart campaign and only let them run through the campaign X number of times. However, Marketo only lets you choose how often they run through (or only let them run through once).

Is there a better way I should be managing this to ensure that people don't get sent the email invite more than 3 times during their 30 day trial?


Level 10

Re: Run someone through a campaign a specific number of times?

Hi Erin,

One easy way to do this:

  1. Create a static list in the same program as you campaign
  2. add a smart list to your program with the following filter: "was added to list" IS [your list above] and a constraint : minimum number of times = 3 ( or 4)
  3. in the flow your smart campaign, add 2 flow steps at the beginning:
    • remove from list [your list above]
    • add to list [your list above]
  4. in the smart list your smart campaign, add a filter:  Member of smart List [The smart your created in step 2]

