Make 2 Column Form to 1 column on mobile

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Make 2 Column Form to 1 column on mobile

Hello Champions,

I'm building a guided landing page and i use custom CSS for my Marketo form.

In marketo i have defined the form to have 2 column , but i want this to change when the viewer will open the LP from mobile version (so it will have 1 column and it will look responsive).

I have so far failed to find any CSS helping with this issue.

I'm also having difficulties with the button as he is not responsive for some reason.

will appreciate any help on this matter.


Level 10

Re: Make 2 Column Form to 1 column on mobile

Hi Omri,

The reason why you had no answer so far to your question is because you posted it to the wrong place. See Getting the most of the community when you have a Marketo question

Normally by default, Marketo 2 column forms move to 1 column automatically on mobile. You do not need to manage it.

If it does not happen, you should consider to simplify your custom css as it is probably preventing it to do so.

What you can also do is to set your CSS with media queries so that some of your CSS instructions apply to desktop only.
