Re: Dynamically Assign Email Asset for Campaign

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Dynamically Assign Email Asset for Campaign

  So there may be a better way to do what we want but here is what we are looking for.  We have a system that generates a newsletter from a very large database of articles/leads.  We want to automate the process of scheduling this newsletter to go out of Marketo to subscribers on that list.  Currently somebody has to manually create the asset and then modify the Campaign Flow and change the "Send Email" to the newest email asset.

The reason we are having issues with this is that the analytics will not show us the results of each send unless we use a unique email asset name.  We have tried several combinations of API features to achieve this but have been unsuccessful.  So if we simply use Tokens for the email body then the analytics will not show us the results of each send.

What would be ideal is if via the API we can create the Email Asset and Update the content (which we can already)... and then update the campaign to point to the newest generated version of the Email Asset.

As another side question... is it possible to run analytics on transaction email as part of a campaign?

Level 10

Re: Dynamically Assign Email Asset for Campaign

Hi Amber,

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