Sydney's Ultimate Guide to Marketo Summit 2017

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

So, wanna go to Marketo Summit? You think you can HANDLE IT?!

Image result for you can't handle the truth gif

Just kidding, you can totally handle it, because you have found the ULTIMATE GUIDE TO MARKETO SUMMIT 2017.

To start us off, here are some packing tips:

  • You're going to want to plan outfits with layers. The weather in San Francisco is beautiful, year round (lucky!) but indoors gets cool. And sometimes outdoors does too.
  • Bring a phone charger and a backup battery pack. And if you're a real pro, maybe a surge protector to share the outlet love with the world.
  • Refillable water bottle. Stay hydrated, my friend. Especially before and after a night of parties.
  • If your work laptop is like my work's heavy. Unless you will absolutely lose your mind or job if you don't have your laptop with you all day every day, maybe take some good old fashioned pen and paper notes, or use a tablet.
  • Leave plenty of room in your luggage for all of your swag.
  • Bring business cards, a good attitude, enthusiasm and your winning personality. You're about to make some friends.
    • and use this helpful guide...


Agenda Item
5:30am - 7:00amFUN RUN
Okay, I know what you're thinking. 5:30am?! But, if you're from the East Coast, your heart will still think it's 8:30am. And Central Time will think it's 7:30am. If you're local to the Bay Area....waking up earlier builds character or something. Plus there will probably be a t-shirt, and who doesn't love Marketo swag? Also, you don't even have to run. You can stroll and drink a latte with me and Jenn DiMaria​.
ALL DAY BASICALLYHave fun exploring San Francisco! A lot of you will probably be traveling during this time, but for you heroes who made it to the Fun Run, go visit Alcatraz, Coit Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, or simply take a nap in your room. You have a long week ahead, and I don't judge. Also, find some time to drop by the registration booth and get your badge.Wherever your heart leads you
OR you can do University Day! It's super fun, and much more tactical than sessions tend to be. If you are newer in learning Marketo, or are ready to take your Marketo skillz to the next level, University Day is totally worth the extra $600. There are separate tracks for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Users, so you can definitely find something that matches your skill set.Moscone
5:00pm - 7:00pm

Opening Reception


Moscone Expo Hall, Level 1


The big day. Day 1. Hope you rested up the night before.

TimeAgenda ItemLocation
7:00am - 8:30am


Fuel up, ladies and gentlemen.

Marriott, Yerba Buena
8:30am - 11:00am

General Session Keynote

Don't linger at breakfast too long, because you're going to want a good seat for this. JAMES CORDEN! CARPOOL KARAOKE! I hope he brings Adele and does some singing.

Moscone, Level 3
11:30am - 12:15am

Session 1 - I know this is the only thing that stands between you and lunch after you've been sitting still for 2.5 hours, but DON'T SKIP IT or fall asleep because that's just rude and there are some AWESOME sessions here. My favorites:

Analytics that Matter: The Right Reports for Every Step of the Buyer's Journey, Jessica Kao , Champion Series

I am constantly trying to find new and better reports that my Senior Management will find interesting, and I'm hoping Jessica shows us some cool stuff here. I love sessions in the Champ Series because I feel like I find the best actionable take homes from people who actually use Marketo day to day.

Let's Get Digital!, Mike Tomita, Marketo @ Marketo Series

I love Marketo and I love learning how they use their own tool. This session promises to give a behind the curtain look at how Marketo plans, executes and measures its digital marketing programs, and I'm hoping to get some of my Marketing Managers attending Summit to go to this session.

12:15pm - 1:15pm


/plan your next session

Marriott, Yerba Buena
1:15pm - 2:00pm

Session 2

Fake it Til You Make It: A Practical Marketer's Guide to Taking Over the World, Dory Viscogliosi,Jenn DiMaria, Juli James, Workshop Series

Okay so yes these people are my friends but I would 1000% go to this session even if they weren't because they are super smart, awesome, #GirlBOSS amazing humans and will give the best career advice, because they all have awesome careers.

Creating and Managing a Lead Lifecycle in Marketo That Will Make Your Sales Team Happy, Steve Susina, Champion Series

Woah, Steve. Them's strong words. Make my sales team happy?! I am so interested to see the actionable tips Steve gives in this session. From his abstract, it seems like a really balanced strategy and tactics session, which are always awesome.

2:15pm - 3:00pm

Session 3

Driving the Customer Obsessed Agenda: How to Make Your Customers Successful and Grow Your Revenue, Anastasia Pavlova, Marketo @ Marketo Series

Sometimes when I am feeling particularly existential, I wonder why I love Marketo so much. I am a Marketer, I know this is what they wanted. How can I make my company's customers love us as much as I love Marketo? Or at least as much as Kanye loves Kanye? I am hoping Anastasia and I can dive into this existential crisis together.

Data-Driven Growth Marketing: Twitter's Secret to Success, Josh Aberant

This session seems really interesting because it's looks like it's a holistic view in to all different aspects of your marketing org - culture, team structure, programs, and data. I'm really interested to hear Josh's take on this.

3:00pm - 3:30pm


KreweChats Live!, Joe Reitz, Dory Viscogliosi, Ande Kempf, Juli James, Jenn DiMaria, Sydney Mulligan, Rachel Egan

YAY! I can't wait for this. Not just because I'm on the panel. We have been doing KreweChats via Google Hangouts for so long, I can't wait to have a IRL chat. We'll be talking about "The Future of Customer Engagement Marketing."

2nd floor, Social Media Hub
3:30pm - 4:15pm

Session 4

How to Build a World Class Sales Development Organization, Ernesto Castillo, Marketo @ Marketo

Again, I love learning about how Marketo does things, and I've looked into how their SDR organization is structured before, so I am really interested to get a deep dive here. My SDR team is such a critical part of our sales organization, so I am always interested in how we can be improving it.

Shake the Funk! The Data Behind Deliverability & How to Stay Clean, Jacob Hansen, Matt Rushing

Deliverability is so so so so important, as is maintaining a clean database, but I sometimes feel like all of the pieces that affect deliverability are a bit nebulous. Interested to hear what these guys from SendGrid have to say, even if it's a little bit sales-y

4:30pm - 5:30pm

Product Keynote


Level 3

5:30pm - 7:00pm


SWAG COLLECTION, PART DEUX (also try to score invites to everyone's parties and happy hours here)

Moscone Expo Hall, Level 1

7:00pm - 10:00pm

Partner Night

Partner Night is a fancy word for PARTY NIGHT, PHASE 1. This is the night that any exhibitor parties will happen. Here are a couple I know about so far (but if you find out any more, please put them in the comments and I will BE THERE). Don't party TOO hard, because the biggest party is tomorrow night.

Engagio Call Your Shot: Call Your Shot Party | Engagio at Summit 2017 | Engagio

Pedowitz Party at The View: A Hosted Engagement at The View


Battery Club Penthouse Party: Taking You To The Top - Marketo Summit Party

Drinks at the Playroom: 6Sense: Predictive Intelligence Engine

The Tiki Experience: The Tiki Experience | 2017 Marketo Summit Party (this one starts at 9 so you can hit the others first)

GOOD MORNING, SUNSHINE! Hope you didn't stay out too late last night because you have another big day ahead of you.

TimeAgenda ItemLocation
7:00am - 8:30am


Yes, it's early. Is Marketo punishing us? Probably. Or maybe they just want to get started on another awesome day. Hopefully you still have some jet lag tricking you into thinking it's later.

Marriott, Yerba Buena
8:30am - 9:15pm

Session 1

The Ultimate "Un-Brand": How Taylor Swift Revolutionized Marketing, Martin Kihn, Gartner, Influencer Series

You guys. I seriously love Taylor Swift and I am not at all afraid to admit it. I also, as we know, love Marketo. And this is BOTH OF THOSE THINGS. TOGETHER. IN ONE SESSION. Do you think maybe Taylor will make an appearance? One can only hope. But I have already spent a lot of time thinking about how Taylor positions her brand in the marketplace, so I am super interested to hear Martin's thoughts. I also hope he walks on stage to Shake it Off. Or Wildest Dreams. Or New Romantics. I CANT DECIDE THEY'RE ALL SO GOOD.

How to Maximize Your Value -- Results from the 2017 Marketo Compensation Survey, Inga Romanoff, Jason Seeba, Workshop Series

This is a follow up to the 2016 session "Mo Marketo, Mo Money," which, fun fact, was the inspiration I needed to apply to be a Champion. So thanks, Inga and Jason! I really loved this session last year, and I am so excited to see the updated survey results. Curious how your comp plan stacks up to others in your role? Want to ask for a raise and need some data? Want to see how you can grow your career with Marketo? This is a must see session.

9:30am - 10:15am

Session 2

Marketo's Operational Journey to ABM, Joe Paone, Renaud Bizet, Marketo @ Marketo Series

My company is part of the ABM Early Adopters program, and we've been learning a lot about ABM this year. I am very interested to see how Marketo itself approaches ABM and how we can adapt some of that methodology into our own campaigns.

7 Human Behavior Hacks That Increase Engagement & Response, Nancy Harhut, Influencer Series

I love learning about all the way psychology applies to marketing. I am very interested to learn more in this session!

11:00am - 1:00pm

General Session Keynote

The Queen is in the house.

Moscone. Level 3
1:00pm - 2:30pm


Marriott, Yerba Buena
2:30pm - 3:15pm

Session 3

Fundamental Program Templates: Five Templates You Need to Scale Your Digital Marketing Efforts, Edward Unthank, Workshop Series

Edward is one of the smartest Marketo Champs out there. I went to his session last year and was blown away, and I've been looking forward to this one ever since. Program Templates are something everyone, everyone everyone needs!

Your CEO & You: The Marketing Metrics that Matter, Tom O'Regan

Reporting that is relevant to senior leadership is so important, and can be a tough nut to crack. I am excited to hear from a real live CEO what kind of metrics he cares about.

3:30pm - 4:15pm

Session 4

What Your Mom Never Told You About MOPs, Joe Reitz, Champion Series

Joe is one of my go to people when I am thinking through a strategy for something. His Marketo-Fu videos are what I give my new hires to learn Marketo, and I trust pretty much everything he'd tell me about Marketo. I can't wait to see his session. Plus, I happen to know there will be some pretty cool stickers...

From Personalization to Individualization: Micro-targeting and Big Data, Michael Fauscette, G2Crowd

This is a really cool concept that I think is going to continue to grow in popularity, so I am excited to learn about it now. Data is a big part of my job, and I think a lot of MOPs practitioners' jobs, and I am going to go to all of the data sessions I can fit into my schedule.

4:15pm - 4:45pm


Exhibit hall, bathroom, snack, coffee, call your family and tell them you're still alive

4:45pm - 5:30pm

Session 5 - power through, almost done!

Tales from the Activity Log: How to Measure and Optimize Database Health, Jeff Shearer, Champion Series

I went to Jeff's session at Summit last year and it was awesome. A great mix of strategy and tactics, with several things I could take home and implement immediately. I am really focusing on database health right now and am really excited for this session.

Designing for Change: How to Manage Your MarTech Investments for Peak Performance, Scott Brinker, Influencer Series

The battle between IT and Marketing is a classic. Marketing is finding all of these cool technologies and tools to implement, and IT has all the "rules" about "security" and "redundancy" and I'm excited to hear about some strategies for managing that relationship.

5:30pm - 8:30pmYou did it! Now is the time to quietly sneak back to your room, order room service/GrubHub, watch some TV and take a nap. You need some no people time to regroup. Then....change your clothes and do your hair, it's party time.
8:30pm - 12:00am



We've just received word in the news room (aka comments section) that this year's party will be held at Moscone West and Train will be performing a private concert just for us! Thanks for the update, Dan Stevens​! Should be pretty wiiiiild.

Image result for party gif

Moscone West

GOOD MORNING AGAIN! Welcome to another beautiful day in San Francisco!!! Sorry, am I being too loud? I'll talk quieter.

*whispers* Welcome to Wednesday. Here's some Advil.

Agenda ItemLocation
8:00am - 9:30amBreakfast starts a whole hour later. You know what's up, Marketo.Marriott, Yerba Buena
9:30am - 10:15am

Session 1

They Love Me, They Love Me Not: Create an Email Database that Loves You, Mike Madden, Stacey Thornberry, Marketo @ Marketo

I want my email database to love me. Doesn't everyone? I am really interested in how to build an opt-in campaign, and a little refresher course on CASL and CAN-SPAM.

Getting Past the Noise: Building a Sustainable Data Management Strategy for Keeps, Sean Crowley

Sustainable data management is is so important, for all kinds of marketers. I am definitely excited about this session.

10:30am - 11:15am

Session 2

How Allocadia Squeezed More Demand Gen, Sales Enablement & ABM Juice Out of Our Marketing Content, Matt Davis

You can have all the content in the world and still not be using it effectively. We spend a good amount of marketing dollars on writing awesome content, but are we getting everything we can out of it?

11:30am - 12:15pm

Session 3

Create an Account-Based Marketing Strategy to Drive Consensus for Complex Sales, Ardath Albee, Influencer Series

This sounds like exactly what we are trying to accomplish with ABM, and I'd love to close out Summit with some great tips and tricks on this topic!

12:15pm -Go home! You made it! Gather up all your notes and swag and pack your bags, you have so much actionable stuff to take home and ROCK OUT the rest of the year! Until Next Summit!

Can't wait to meet ALL OF YOU SOON!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

You're right, Lauren, I'm stressed about it too! Though to be honest, I am very glad to have a firm agenda in place ahead of Summit. I hated having to leave sessions early last year to get a good spot in line for the next one. And all the sessions are available online later! But this does feel a bit like the time I bought Kanye West tickets...I'll be sitting by my computer waiting for registration to open up!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Got word from Katie Pope​ that session registration is hopefully opening today

Lauren Mullins

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Those of us with confirmed "prime" sessions will be scalping them for money (or beer)!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Just like Kanye tickets!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

I just received the email with instructions on how to register.  Question though, are we no longer able to bounce from session to session (e.g., if the session is too basic for what we're originally expecting) like years' past?  There are some slots where I've marked up to four that I'd potentially like to attend.  I suppose they'll let all who have registered into the sessions first - and then open it up to "walk-ups"

Marketo Employee

I had several people see this and ask if I'd canceled my speech. Had to explain this is just a blog post.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Yeah, I assumed that's how it would work. I am sure there will be some sessions that don't fill up and people will be allowed to bounce into those.

Not applicable

Hi Dan! Unfortunately, we will no longer have this session at Summit.

Not applicable

You guys are good! I'm catching up now

Not applicable

That is correct, Dan! If a session is not at capacity, we will accept "walk ups" after the session starts!