#KreweChats Episode 14: Email Tips & Best Practices

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Hi #MKTGNation!

On Friday we aired our latest #KreweChat which took us from where we left Episode 11: Email Editor 2.0 and moved into more advanced email tips and best practices.  I had the pleasure of Joe Reitz​, Ande Kempf​, Dory Viscogliosi​, Jenn DiMaria​ and Geoff on the Chat with me. 

Email marketing and Email nurturing are a critical component to business as we know it today. Since the development of the first “electronic mail” back in the 1960s (yes, I said 60s) the use has spread from experimental to government to civilian use.  The 90s and the internet boom helped to usher in the popular use of email as we know it today. One could hardly imagine doing business today without email, instant and text messaging.

We cover of topics such as the parts of an email, SPF/DKIM, A/B Testing, Blacklisting and Emojii use.

Check it out here: #KreweChats Episode 14: Email Tips & Best Practice - YouTube

Please comment with any questions, suggestions for the next chat, tips or best practices that we have missed.

