Creat a contact which exist in another partition with API creatORupdate

Level 2

Creat a contact which exist in another partition with API creatORupdate


I ask an advice for my case please.

We launche our cold-mailing campaigns  in a tool which is connected to Marketo. One of the process we would like to respect is create or update a contact in Marketo and add him in Unsubscribed People List when a person unsubscribe from campaign with API connection creatORupdate .


Our problem is that we have other workspaces and when a contact exist in other workspace, our API put it in the Unsubscribed People list but not in our workspace. So I want to creat a person and add him in Unsubscrided People liqt even if this contact existe in another worspace. 

I tried to add a POST with rest/v1/leads/partitions.json  with partitionName of our Workspace after POST rest/v1/leads.json with "creatORupdate" but the systme moved this contact from another workspace in mine. I want to evoid this movement of contact;, only creat in my workspace.


Is it possible ? The support of Marketo didn't help me so much, I ask if it is real that I want to do.

