How many emails does Marketo send to bounced email addresses before it gives up?

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How many emails does Marketo send to bounced email addresses before it gives up?


I really don't want email bounces to affect my send score, so I am wondering when Marketo gives up sending to bounced email addresses. It used to be three email attempts. Can anyone confirm that is still the case?



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How many emails does Marketo send to bounced email addresses before it gives up?


Hard Bounces depend a bit. Those get 24 hour suspended and some types get invalidated.

Soft Bounces will try for 24 hours for 1 hr, 4 hr, 6 hrs or something like that.

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Re: How many emails does Marketo send to bounced email addresses before it gives up?

Another tip is to combine your hard bounce filter for the email with leads marked Invalid.  Anything that gets marked invalid won't get another email, plus you can review the Invalid Cause field for additional information.  You can then analyze the others for the underlying cause.

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Re: How many emails does Marketo send to bounced email addresses before it gives up?


I don't think there is a set limit before Marketo stops sending, but again it might completely depend on the kind of bounce. 

We have actually built a campaign where we marketing suspend chronic hard and soft bounces after 3 bounces.

This helps ensure that we are not sending to bounced email addresses after 3 bounces.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How many emails does Marketo send to bounced email addresses before it gives up?

Yes, that's a good idea and I do that too.

But Marketo does have a soft bounce process that runs in the background like most email systems. It doesn't prevent future sends, but it does keep trying. This shows up under Pending if you run an email perf report in the first day.