Propering Names

Propering Names

Our database is filled with people who have entered their name in caps lock. Since we are also hooked to SalesForce, sometimes our reps also write customers names in all caps. It would be great if Marketo could have a "Proper Filter." It would be great to drag this over and choose the field attribute you would like to proper.

For instance, it would be a drop down to choose a field like "First Name" and when selected it would change 'JAKE' to 'Jake' for personalization so marketing looks more professional. Same for Company Name fields and any others that we would be interested in using.

It would also help clean our database if connected to SalesForce.
Not applicable
This would be helpful, as long as they could get around the special cases where the first name is two initials (e.g. TJ Miller), and when the last name has two capital letters (e.g. McKeown). 

Company name, however, would be extremely hard. We have a lot of companies whose names are all lowercase, all caps, or have two words smashed together (i.e. HubSpot).

Regardless, it would be an interesting data cleanse tool.

Not applicable

I agree, it would be very helpful to be able to turn names into Title Case. However, it would be a very manual process to review all the exceptions. Still, it would be helpful to be able to review/filter the first/last name fields by formatting type ("contains all lowercase letter"  / "contains multiple uppercase letters" / "contains consecutive uppercase letters") to make it possible to manually review them.  Currently, when using the first name token, I manually go through the list and reformat all the first names to Title Case. It would be great to add any level of automation to this process!

Not applicable
Jesse, your wish is granted.

RingLead has a new webhook called Data Shield.  Data Shield is a data standards firewall around Marketo.  There are 61 data standards that can be selected, including of course, convert to proper case.

This is an excellent post by Mali Dvir from Demand Gen about the importance of defining and enforcin...

This is a link to the settings UI for Data Shield

he Launchpoint listing will be live by Monday 4/7, there are already several Marketo orgs using it.

This is a link to the 3/26 Launchpoint webinar given by Marketo Champion Jeff Shearer from Egencia where at the end he talks about using Data Shield.

Keith we have what we believe to be the most comprehensive directory of "camel case" names like McKeown anywhere and we account for them in our names conversion to proper case.  Company names like RingLead are more challenging.  We are working on a directory of camel case companies.

The trigger in the program can be both new Lead is created as well as value change.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas