Customize RCA report charts

Customize RCA report charts

Would be great if the RCA report charts can be customizable. Similar to excel charts where you choose different layouts/style or even be able to build your own charts by dragging and dropping what you want.

For example, the pie charts have the text on a side box and wanted to move it directly onto the chart instead. The colors are hard to follow and would make it much easier if the text was on the box.
Not applicable
Maybe one day?  Seriously blue on blue is VERY limiting.  We spend time exporting from RCA to send data to execs, since the colors are so limiting. 

The colors are not consistent either.  One channel is red on one chart and blue on another.  E-teams need clean data, recognizable every time.  Let's give it to 'em!
Not applicable
The primary improvement would be to just make the pie chart accurate.  Even if I unapprove and reapprove, the segmentation pie chart is wildly out of date.  
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas