I'm building a database integration using the REST API and I'm having trouble figuring out how to logically connect web page activity to landing page assets. I know web page activities' primary attribute is "Webpage ID" but I can't figure out where to look in order to connect that back to the landing page asset it is derived from. I want to be able to group all web page activity together under the landing page asset that generated them.
For example
I create a landing page with landing page id 1234 in Marketo.
A lead vists my page and creates a "Web Page Visit" activity in my database with web page id 4567
I extract 1234 and 4567 through the API, but there's no information to tell me they're related
Where do I look for that missing logical piece to connect web page 4567 to landing page 1234?
Hey Tim,
Going on a whim here but would you not be able to use http://developers.marketo.com/rest-api/endpoint-reference/lead-database-endpoint-reference/#!/Activi...
If you set the "activityTypeId (integer): Id of the activity type" on the web page visit for that specific lead record. The response would provide you the asset ids?
Definitely not sure if this helps but potentially worth a try?
Thanks for the answer Floyd,
Unfortunately that endpoint just returns the same information I already have still with nothing to connect it back to the landing page asset.