Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

Since this is new, the question will probably come up: how is the number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard calculated?

(Image from this post: Winter 2016 Release

The answer is at the bottom of this article Lead Database Dashboard:

Marketable Leads: The number of all-time leads for the workspace, minus the following:

  • leads without an email address,
  • leads whose email has hard bounced,
  • leads that are blacklisted,
  • leads that have unsubscribed,
  • leads currently set to Marketing Suspended.

This very similar to the characteristics of leads blocked from mailing, with the exception of the leads with email suspended in the past 24 hours.

Level 10

Re: Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

Question on this :

Are the hard bounced that are filtered out based on the

  • Email Invalid = True (as in the system "Bounced Emails" smart list)


  • "Email Bounced" filter


Level 10

Re: Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

Idea to enhance the count here:


Level 10

Re: Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

Second question  how often is the dashboard refreshed ?

Mine is now 2 days old and we apparently cannot refresh it.

Idea here :


Not applicable

Re: Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

want there ever an answer on this? Ours is over 2 days old too.

Level 10

Re: Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

I know that Marketo team is looking into this and the intend is to have it refreshed daily.

Louiza Verykiou​, this is for your


Not applicable

Re: Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

Hello Ashley!

Greg is correct. We're monitoring this and are interested to hear any feedback on the dashboard. If you are seeing inconsistent update intervals please do go ahead and log a case with support so we can get an idea of what the user experience is currently.

Thank you for your help!


Level 10

Re: Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

Thanks, Alex! I'd be curious to know what Marketo would suggest is a good ratio of Marketable to unmarketable names in our DB. For best practices, sake.

Not applicable

Re: Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

IDEA: It'd be great to see the Marketable number over time. We can't report off this and the only way to get this value is to refresh the data in the dashboard.

Level 10

Re: Number of marketable leads on the new Lead Dashboard

Hi Charlton,

Log an idea, and we will vote
