Google Tag Manager + Forms + Wordpress

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Google Tag Manager + Forms + Wordpress

I searched through all the current GTM discussions and unfortunately i haven't found one solution that will work for us.

My issue is, we are using a shortcode in Wordpress, which calls a marketo form script, to load a form on our page. I want to be able to track certain marketo form submissions in Google Analytics. I currently use Google Tag Manger, but it isn't working the way I have it set up and I think I need to use the marketo script to do this.

Specifically, I want to track anyone that downloads an eBook on our website.

Here is the marketo script I am using:


<script src="//"></script>

<form id="mktoForm_439"></form>

<script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "940-UPM-848", 439,function(form){

      form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl){


// change location.href to location of document

location.href = "/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/eBook_5-Tips-for-Using-Humor-in-Benefits-Communication.pdf";


return false;


// set the name of the document name

// change this

var docName = "5 Tips for Using Humor in Benefits Communication";

// change the name of the document

var resource = "meetalex_websitedownload_null_ihumorebook_null";

form.vals({"Lead_Source_Detail__c" :  resource });

// change the name of the resource

var resource = docName;

form.vals({"Recent_Resource__c" :  resource });



The shortcode on Wordpress is [acf field="form_script"]

Any ideas how to get this to load into Google Analytics as a download? I want to track this form specifically, as we have another form on our site for contact us, which we track separately. That has a different formID though, so differentiating between them is a must.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Level 10

Re: Google Tag Manager + Forms + Wordpress

Hi Kimberly,

Are you tracking form submissions as events or goals in Google Analytics? Are your triggers firing on the default form event that ships with GTM or are you using a custom event?

It's hard to give an accurate answer without knowing your specific setup.

Not applicable

Re: Google Tag Manager + Forms + Wordpress

Hi Courtney!

We were trying to track form submissions as events in GA, by using GTM. I would like to make it a goal in GA for simplicity (so my boss can specifically see as a goal, how many form submissions there are).

Does that help!?


Level 10

Re: Google Tag Manager + Forms + Wordpress

Hi Kimberly,

Thankfully, that's pretty straightforward to do. You would simply edit your Forms 2.0 embed from

<script src="//[marketo server]/js/forms2/js/forms2.js"></script>
<formid="[form id]"></form>
<script>MktoForms2.loadForm("[marketo server]", "[munchkin]", [form id]);</script>

to the following:

<script src="//[marketo server]/js/forms2/js/forms2.js"></script>
<formid="[form id]"></form>
MktoForms2.loadForm(("[marketo server]", "[munchkin]", [form id], function(form){
    ga('send', {
  'hitType': 'event',
  'eventCategory': '[your category]',
  'eventAction': '[your action]',
  'eventLabel': '[your label]'

Where the brackets in each refer to your own form ID/Munchkin/Marketo server and whatever event values you're using in Google Analytics. Note that this assumes you've upgraded to Universal Analytics.

EDIT: That being said, your final embed code would look like

<script src="//"></script>

<form id="mktoForm_439"></form>

<script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "940-UPM-848", 439,function(form){



         ga('send', {

            'hitType': 'event',

            'eventCategory': '[your category]',

            'eventAction': '[your action]',

            'eventLabel': '[your label]'



     form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl){


          // change location.href to location of document

        location.href = "/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/eBook_5-Tips-for-Using-Humor-in-Benefits-Communication.pdf";

        return false;


// set the name of the document name

// change this

var docName = "5 Tips for Using Humor in Benefits Communication";

// change the name of the document

var resource = "meetalex_websitedownload_null_ihumorebook_null";

form.vals({"Lead_Source_Detail__c" :  resource });

// change the name of the resource

var resource = docName;

form.vals({"Recent_Resource__c" :  resource });


If you wanted to, you could always move your docName variable and use that for the event label as well for simplicity's sake.

Not applicable

Re: Google Tag Manager + Forms + Wordpress

Thanks Courtney! This is so helpful and I am going to go try this right now!

Not applicable

Re: Google Tag Manager + Forms + Wordpress

I just recently completed a project where I integrated Marketo and Google Analytics. I published an article and accompanying cheat sheet, both are available from Google Analytics-Marketo End-to-End Integration​ - I think you will find some valuable examples you could apply for your WordPress integration. 

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Re: Google Tag Manager + Forms + Wordpress

Stephane, I've been working on trying to implement your solution, however, any time I try to update the embed code beyond the generic code generated by Marketo, the form disappears from the landing page. Any ideas on what might be causing this? Thanks!