Better Way to Remove Multiple Emails Published to Sales Insight/Outlook


Better Way to Remove Multiple Emails Published to Sales Insight/Outlook

With so many emails being published to Sales Insight, is it possible to:
1) identify (maybe colored checkmark on email icon) to show all emails published to Sales Insight in each campaign
2) Show all published Sales Insight Emails and their use in a report
3) Unpublish MULTIPLE Sales Insight emails at once by unchecking boxes (similar to report setup)
Level 10
Hi Ray,

If you go into Design Studio and click on Emails, you will see all of your emails populated in a list. From here you are able to sort and one of the columns is MSI.

As for un-publishing all at once, I would love this! I'd even love to be able to have them unpublish when archived.

Not applicable
I too would love a mass "unpublish" from MSI feature.  I took over a marketo instance where over 600 emails were published to MSI, make the tool nearly useless. 
Level 6 - Champion Alumni
I think the mass unpublish feature is long overdue.

We have hundreds of emails that need to be removed.
Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Bumping this because a lot of people would like this feature

Not applicable

We need this feature - We have a program for each country and have asked the marketers to add EXP DATE to end of naming convention, but they're still not getting unpublished.

Why don't we have something similar to the auto deactivation of idle campaigns, or at least have an end date which can be used to identify what needs to be unpublished.

Not applicable

I also really like the idea of revamping the Outlook templates view. None of my reps use it as it's cumbersome and "ugly." If the templates showed up with an easy search tool or filter, and you slapped a nicer UI over it, way better chance for adoption.

And going along these lines, any thoughts about Outlook MSI groups? Most of our email templates only apply to certain groups of the sales team. Please post a link if this is already a current Idea so I can vote up

Not applicable

Thanks Kim! Unfortunately the sort function does not work for me... Yikes!

Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Watch this space

Not applicable

After 3 years using Marketo, we have hundreds and hundreds of emails in multiple languages published to Sales Insight. The clutter has gotten massive. Recently, we have begun to use the Outlook plug in too, so now we really need a clean up. Clearly, a manual clean-up will take weeks and many man hours. We would LOVE to have the ability to mass un-approve multiple emails published to Sales Insight/Outlook.  Come on Marketo, we need your help!

Level 5

And this could then be used both ways of course. Just being able to choose multiple emails in the design studio view and to toggle published or not would be HUGELY useful. Going into each individual email, clicking edit settings, checking it off, saving and approving is tedious as hell even for one email, much less 100.