How to Set Up ToutApp With Your Own SMTP Server

We give you the option to configure your emails so that they can be delivered through your own custom SMTP server. This way you can control the deliverability of the emails that you are sending.

Here's how to get started with SMTP:

1. Navigate to our SMTP set up page from Settings

2. Enter the required information. Ask your company's IT administrator if you have questions about what to enter here.


3. If you’re on a Team plan and see the option to Send all Tout emails in my team through this server connection, you can decide if you’d like to roll this out for just yourself or for everyone on your team. (We do not support this feature for Office 365 SMTP Integration.)

4. Choose Authenticate and Save. ToutApp will now deliver all emails through your server.

If you're running into errors setting up SMTP, try changing your port number. If that doesn't work, you can always contact us at for extra help.

Note: Because every SMTP portal is different, we do not have access to these SMTP credentials. If you are unsure of what goes in each field, we recommend reaching out to your SMTP provider.

Though we do support custom SMTP servers, we do not support custom SMTPs that are designed to route through integrations that ToutApp does not sync with. (Anything besides Gmail, Outlook, or OWA at this time)

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