Enhancements in Marketo Support Case Submission

Level 10
Level 10

Hello Wonderful Purple People!

We've made some long awaited changes as well as some enhancements that we think will make our case submission form even more productive.  This is just the first step for a slew of amazing enhancements that are planned for Marketo Support and the Support Portal in 2018!


#1.  Select an Instance - If you have multiple instances or even sandboxes and you want to submit a case for one of them, in the past you would have to write that into the description of the case, now you can select the instance that appears under your account.


#2.  Attach a file to the Case - You've asked for it and now you have it.  You can finally attach a file when you first create the case.  We hate that you've waited so long for this, but we are glad that it is finally here for you to use.


#3.  Save and Cancel Buttons - We received feedback that our placement of the Save button and the Cancel button were in odd placements and should be reversed.  As requested, they've pivoted.


Create Case V1.png


#4.  Case Update Box - To better set expectations on when you should expect to see an update on your case, we have added a Next Update Due Box at the top right of your Case Detail Page.


#5.  Assigned Support Engineer - We are committed to your success, so we think it is important that you know who from our team is working on your support case at all times.  Once your case has been assigned your case detail page will show which of our skilled support engineers will be working to resolve your issue.


Case Detail V1.png


#6.  Recent Cases - We are introducing two new Case Views for you.  My Recent Cases will show you a view of your 5 most recently opened and closed cases within the last 30 days and All Company Recent will show the same, but the 5 recently opened and closed cases on the Account.


#7.  Consolidated Recent Case View - We wanted to give you a simplified view of your recent open and closed cases.  So My Recent Case view will be the default case listing when you visit the My Cases page.


My Cases V1.png


Since 7 is a lucky number, I think we'll stop there with this post.  This is just the beginning for a year that is going to be filled with improvements and enhancements that are all targeted at making each of your interactions with our Support Team productive and memorable.


Thank you all and looking forward to communicating with all of you throughout 2018.

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1 Comment
Level 7

Those are very helpful changes - especially the ability to attach a file before submitting the case! Thank you!