Product Documents

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How does Marketo Engage define a Sales Insight “Active User”? If a sales rep has interacted with the Sales Insight panel in the last 30 days, we consider him//her to be an active user once we remove duplicates user.  Every week, we look at our logs over the last 30 days for certain types of activities that a unique user would do within our Sales Insight panel. Here is the list of activities that are considered as product usage: Marketo tab: Clicking on Best Bets tab and the following actions within the tab Clicking on Edit & Create New View Clicking on “Hide” option Clicking on My Watch List tab and the following actions with the tab Clicking on Edit & Create New View Clicking on “Remove” option Clicking on Web Activity tab and the following actions with the tab Clicking on Edit & Create New View Choosing time frame option from drop down Clicking on Anonymous Web Activity tab and the following actions with the tab Clicking on Edit & Create New View Choosing time frame option from drop down Clicking on My Email tab and the following actions with the tab Clicking on Edit & Create New View Clicking on email link to preview email Clicking on Lead feed and the following actions with the tab Subscribe to an Interesting Moment from lead feed Visualforce panel on Contact/Lead/Account/Opportunity: Clicking on 4 tabs: Interesting Moment, Web Activity, Email, Score Clicking on “Full List” hyperlink at the bottom of the visual force page to access full list Marketo tab Top Nav (only on lead/contact) Choosing “Add/Remove to watch list” from actions drop down, clicking on “Go” button Choosing “Add to Marketo campaign” from actions drop down, clicking on “Go” button Choosing “Send Marketo email” from actions drop down, clicking on “Go” button Clicking on Interesting Moment tab and the following actions with the tab Clicking on “Subscribe” option Clicking on Web Activity tab and the following actions with the tab Clicking on Web page link Clicking on page/referrer link Clicking on Email tab and the following actions with the tab Clicking on email link to preview email When a sales user navigates to any CRM layout that has Sales Insight, the panel loads automatically. The loading of panel is not considered as actual usage. We only consider users who actively interact with the panel.    How does Marketo Engage determine how many Sales Insight (MSI) users I have? We generate a report that logs certain types of activities that an “active user” would do and then remove duplicate users. If there has been one or more of these activities in the last 30 days, we consider this to an individual active user   How do I pull a list of my Sales Insight users? Please reach out to your CSM. He/she will be able to provide your usage report for you.   How do I limit Sales Insight usage? You can monitor Sales Insight seats by creating a Sales Insight profile and assigning it to a Sales Insight Layout or to any existing layout you would like to use. Detailed instruction can be found here -   How do I start monitoring Sales Insight seats as an existing user? The next time you upgrade your package, rather than installing upgrade for all users you can install it only for admins or for specific profiles you’ve created for Sales Insight. Detailed instruction can be found here   How do I determine which version of MSI we are on? In your Salesforce CRM. Click on Set Up > Search for “Installed Packages” in Quick Find search field > Look for “Marketo Sales Insight” under Package Name column > Look for corresponding version number under “Version Number” column  
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What’s changing?  Beginning in January 2021, we will be rolling out two email tracking-related security improvements over the course of several months.  In Q3 of 2020, a new version of the Outlook Plugin will be available that also contains a security improvement.  This document serves to provide a high-level overview of the changes that are coming.  We will follow up with additional information as those dates draw near.    Background: Email Link Tracking  By default, links in emails have tracking embedded which allows you to see who clicked which link, how many total links were clicked, etc.  Link tracking is configured via the Insert/Edit Link dialog box from within the email editor.   Predictive Image Tracking  When using Content AI, you can configure email images to be predictive.  Predictive images have an URL and are configured via the “Make Predictive” menu item within the email editor. Alternatively, you can select “Enable Content API” menu item within the email editor. Changes:  Tracking Link Length  When link tracking or predictive image is enabled, the original URL specified is converted into a “tracking link” that points to a Marketo tracking server.  The format of a tracking link looks something like this:  After this change, the identifier at the end of the URL will be slightly longer.  Tracking Parameter Expiration  When a tracked link or predictive image is clicked from within an email, the Marketo tracking server logs a “Click Email” or “Click Predictive Content” activity and then redirects user to the original URL specified.  The tracking server appends the “mkt_tok” query parameter which is used in conjunction with Munchkin JS to associate the Munchkin cookie with the known lead that clicked on the email link, and with the campaign that sent the email.  After this change, mkt_tok will expire 6 months after the email was sent.  As a result, if a lead clicks on a link in an email that is older than 6 months, the webpage visit activity will be anonymous, and campaign association will not occur.  This is the same behavior as when tracking is disabled.  Outlook Plugin  With these changes a new upgrade of the Outlook plugin will be released. The new plugin will no longer support offline mode, and users will be required to have an active connection to the internet when sending emails. Users who do not have an active connection will see the following message when clicking the Marketo Send and Track button:     Why is this change being made?  The tracking parameter expiration and tracking link change are additional steps in providing a more consistent and more secure experience with Marketo’s forms.  This change is a continuation of the work done last year when we released Form Pre-Fill Feature Upgrade.  The Outlook Plugin update was made to standardize on using common email tracking-related functionality across our products.    What customer action is required?  Aside from the Outlook Plugin upgrade, no additional action is required.  The new plugin will be available as part of the Q3 2020 release so customers can upgrade. As part of the Q4 2020 release users will receive a message in Outlook asking them to upgrade before continuing to use the plugin.     How does this impact customers?  Tracking Links and Predictive Images  If a tracked email link or a predictive image is clicked by an anonymous lead in an email that is over 6 months old, the known lead will not be associated with user’s Munchkin cookie.  This is the same behavior when tracking is disabled.  Form Pre-Fill  If a tracked email link or a predictive image is clicked in an email that is over 6 months old, and the click sends user to a landing page containing a form with pre-fill enabled, the form will not pre-fill.  This is the same behavior as when tracking is disabled.  Outlook Plugin  All users must update the Outlook Plugin by Q1 2021. 
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