Re: Wistia Activity Disappearing from Lead Activity

Level 2

Wistia Activity Disappearing from Lead Activity

Hi all,

Not sure who has Wistia / Marketo Integration, but this question is for you. I've been generally happy with the integration but today something strange happened. The other day I was browsing lead activity, specifically two leads that watched videos on our website and went on to request demos of our company's products. Today I went back to those same leads, and the Wistia activity was completely gone. I'm not sure why this happened. I know it's the same leads, same email addresses, just no more Wistia activity. I checked my Wistia account; Marketo is still synced up fine. Is anyone else having a problem like this? Has anyone encountered random web activity disappearing?

Marketo Employee

Re: Wistia Activity Disappearing from Lead Activity

I believe Wistia's integration uses the Munchkin API, so it's likely that the activities were archived as they are web activities.  Were these greater than 90 days ago?

Level 2

Re: Wistia Activity Disappearing from Lead Activity

Hi Kenny - We talked to our Marketo rep and this was indeed the case. Thanks for responding!