Width of Marketo Emil Templates and are they responsive?

Level 1

Width of Marketo Emil Templates and are they responsive?

Does anyone know of a Marketo template that has a width of 728 pixels? And is 728px email responsive?

Or do you know how to change the width of an email so every module is the same width?

Level 10

Re: Width of Marketo Emil Templates and are they responsive?

Hi Hollie,

A template that i728px wide can be responsive.

Marketo email templates are not 728px wide, and it's a weird width, BTW Where does it come from ?

Changing the width of a whole template can be done, of course, but it takes a developper. Just start form the template you like, clone it and start editing the clone. the edition will not be that immediate, though, since some modules or images have sections that are half size, third size, etc...


Level 1

Re: Width of Marketo Emil Templates and are they responsive?

thanks for responding. The 728 px wide comes from the advertisements we need to run an email. The ads are 728x90 pixels. We want all the text and the ads to me the same width so it looks nice and uniformed.

As for cloning the template. After that is done, do you just adjust the size in the HTML?

Level 10

Re: Width of Marketo Emil Templates and are they responsive?

Yes, but again, there many sizes that need to be adjusted. You need a dev, otherwise, you'll break it.

If you are starting from a Marketo template, you will not be able to clone the template directly. Create an email from the template, then in the email editor, use the "save as template" option, to create your own template that you will be then able to edit.


Level 1

Re: Width of Marketo Emil Templates and are they responsive?

I'm not familiar with a dev. can you provide more info or an example?

Level 10

Re: Width of Marketo Emil Templates and are they responsive?

Hi Hollie,

Width will be set in various places in the template to accommodate various technologies (Outlook, modern email clients and mobiles from various vendors). I am afrain that detailing how to change it this is beyond the scope of the community
