Which date field captures the most recent activity

Not applicable

Which date field captures the most recent activity

We do not have sales insight which may affect the answer?  I need to know which date field is used by Marketo to capture the last lead activity such as form submission, click, web visit, etc.

I see a few different fields that could be the answer, and maybe the answer is more than one. Here are the tokenized examples I can see.



lead.SFDC Updated Date



Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Which date field captures the most recent activity

Jonathan Ward​ - Would recommend to move this question to Products section.

For the Dates - No, Marketo doesn't has a Date Field to record dates which are specific to each type of activity - the only place you can track it is in the activity log. The tokens are to append the values into a Field - which can be a custom field. E.g. if you want to track the Date of a Most Recent Activity - you need a Date Field for that activity created, and setup a logic to update that Field by dynamically populating system's date using System Token.

Hope this helps!
