What's the best way to score on of sessions per x period of time?

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What's the best way to score on of sessions per x period of time?

We are looking to score based on # of web sessions per week. So if someone visits our website 3 times in one week, giving them a boost in score. What is the best way to achieve this? (How do you differentiate between a web session and multiple page visits?)
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Re: What's the best way to score on of sessions per x period of time?


First, I think you'll want to define a "session." This will be variable "x." Variable "y" will be the increase in lead score you want to award someone who's had 3 sessions this week.

Then, you can create two separate campaigns and one field to achieve this:
  1. Create a new score field called "sessions this week"
  2. Create a smart campaign that runs every x amount of hours. In the smartlist, you should have "visited web page" in the past x hours. In the flow, add 1 to the "sessions this week" score.
  3. Make a smart campaign that runs at the end of every week. Smartlist should be anyone who has sessions this week > 0. Flow should be increase lead score by y amount IF x >= 3. Then, make a second flow step to reset "sessions this week" to 0.

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Re: What's the best way to score on of sessions per x period of time?

I would still use the  visits smart list but in the Schedule>Qualification Rules I would set the frequency to only once per day so it doesn't count multiple visits in one day
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Re: What's the best way to score on of sessions per x period of time?


First, I think you'll want to define a "session." This will be variable "x." Variable "y" will be the increase in lead score you want to award someone who's had 3 sessions this week.

Then, you can create two separate campaigns and one field to achieve this:
  1. Create a new score field called "sessions this week"
  2. Create a smart campaign that runs every x amount of hours. In the smartlist, you should have "visited web page" in the past x hours. In the flow, add 1 to the "sessions this week" score.
  3. Make a smart campaign that runs at the end of every week. Smartlist should be anyone who has sessions this week > 0. Flow should be increase lead score by y amount IF x >= 3. Then, make a second flow step to reset "sessions this week" to 0.
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Re: What's the best way to score on of sessions per x period of time?

Thanks, just what I was looking for.