Can you give me a sense of usefulness of the below for your efforts?
1. Assess Data: a report showing Quality (email deliverability, phone connect ability, duplicates) and Completeness (%tage of values filled in) of the leads in your database
2. Clean Data: for each lead in your database append flags for Email (deliverability, spam trap risk, dups), Phone (working/non-working, landline/mobile) and Postal Address (deliverability)
3. Append Data: improve overall completeness of your leads, by filling in contact (e.g. title, phone, address) and company information (e.g. industry, revenue, employee count)
4. Get More Data: get additional leads into your database based on criteria specified
How attractive is each? How would you rank-order these? How attractive would integrating those into Marketo be?
Thank you in advance,
- dmitry