What is the best way to embed a video on a landing page without using youtube?

Level 4

What is the best way to embed a video on a landing page without using youtube?

I don't want to have it link to a youtube page, or play from there, I want the video to stream from our FTP site. The html code I usually use (see below) does not work. PLEASE HELP!

<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab#version=6,0,2,0" width="340" height="270"><param name="src" value="/video/PassageMaker.mov" /><param name="width" value="340" /><param name="height" value="270" /><embed type="video/quicktime" src="/video/PassageMaker.mov" width="340" height="270"></embed></object>
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Re: What is the best way to embed a video on a landing page without using youtube?

When you say it does not work...how so? Is anything displaying? Does the movie not load? 

On first look, your src values are relative, you should try using an absolute URL (http://www.yourwebsite.com/video/PassageMaker.mov) and see if that helps.
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Re: What is the best way to embed a video on a landing page without using youtube?

Try using Vimeo instead of YouTube.
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Re: What is the best way to embed a video on a landing page without using youtube?

I second what Jason said about relative links--also, you may have to actually approve the page and look at the live version to see if the video is working. In my experience they don't usually work in preview.
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Re: What is the best way to embed a video on a landing page without using youtube?

Hi Karly, 

We use Wistia for streaming video and they are great.  All of our videos have analytics and reports and Wistia also converts video to play on mobile devices.  If you're still looking to avoid youtube they are my recommendation.  

hope it helps!